Research Proposal: Teaching Vocabulary in the Theme of Kitchen through Matching Words to the Fourth Grade Students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang
1. Background
Language is a gift from God. Language is an important part of human life. Language is for communicating about the world outside of language (Griffiths, 2006: 1). Language also spreads all over the world. Everyone knows what language about and able to use language in all aspect of their social life, but the language that used is not simple as one language. There are also some kinds of language feature which the people use, such as: silent language, mother-tongue language, sign language, and others. Although, so many languages used in different cultures, but the use of language become phenomena that figured out in communicate to get informations, make relations, transfers knowledges, and business obligations.
English is a popular language that used as an international language nowadays. English also have more complete structure of a language. It makes English acceptable and better than other language structure besides English.
Indonesia is a big country and rich cultures also traditional languages. English has been taught in Indonesia for more than a century, after the establishment of formal education (Saleh, 1997:2). According to Amran Halim (1976: 146) states on Saleh (1997: 2) that: In the position as foreign language, English function as: 1) Lingua franca, a means of communication among nation, 2) A supplementary tool for developing Indonesian to became a modern language, and 3) An instrument for making use of modern science and technology for the benefit of the national development.
Comprehending instruction, information and short story that developed oral manner in class context, school, and around environment.
Base of this, teaching English must be adopted four kinds of language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) which means that the teacher’s regulation may take the important part of students’ achievements. But, to master four kind of English skills students also involved to learn English’s words itself. The words here can define as vocabulary. Vocabulary is the words those construct a language. For that reason, students obtain to learn English vocabulary in order to master four kind of English skills especially reading skill. The students will face difficulties to learn English as long as less number of vocabulary they learned. According to Brown (1994: 17) efficient second language learning involves a timely movement of the control of a few language form into the automatic processing of a relatively unlimited number of languages forms. In addition, Effective vocabulary instruction is a long-term proposition. Attention to vocabulary growth has to start early, in preschool, and continue throughout the school years (Hiebert and Michael, 2005: 28). It means, the students learn English slow but its process sure all the time, in order of that long-term instruction needed to involve their vocabulary. The teacher proficiency also make a big deal for what students obtain in learning process. Teacher hoped to creative and do meaningful learning for his/ her students. Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention then role learning (Brown, 1994: 18).
Vocabulary is total number of words of a language. Then, base on explanation above the writer choses vocabulary to teach because vocabulary is the most important part to study a language. In accordance to the title of this thesis “Teaching Vocabulary in the Theme of Kitchen through Matching Words to the Fourth Grade Students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang” the method used here is Matching Words in order the vocabulary in the theme of kitchen will be developed to the fourth grade students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang.
1. 2 Problem of Study
1. 2. 1 Limitation of Problem
Base on the background above, for limitation of the problem, this research is focused on Teaching Vocabulary in the Theme of Kitchen through Matching Words. The study will be applied to the Fourth grade students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang.
1. 2. 2 The Problem of Research
The problem of this study is formulated on the question below:
Is it effective to teach vocabulary through matching words?
1. 3 The Objective of Research
The objective of this study is as follows:
To find out whether it is effective or not teaching vocabulary through matching words.
1. 4. Hypothesis of Research
According to Hatch and Lazaraton (1991: 24) a hypothesis is a statement of possible outcome of research. The hypothesis may be stated as a null hypothesis and as an alternative hypothesis. In this terms, there are two kinds of hypothesis those can caught up, the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Then the writer's hypothesis are as follows:
1. 5 Criteria for Testing Hypothesis
Testing hypothesis is used in order to find out or to accept null hypothesis (Ho) or to reject it. Then t-table will be used. If t-value or t-obtained bigger than or equal with t-table, the null hypothesis (Ho) will be rejected, that means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) will be accepted. On the other hand, if t-value or t-obtained is lower than t-table, the null hypothesis (Ho) will be accepted, it the alternative hypothesis (Ha) will be rejected.
1. 6 The Significant of Research
In doing this research, there are some advantages those will be gained:1) For Students
This thesis will be a resource for enriching the readers’ knowledge and as a basic for further research.
4) For Researcher
2. 1 The Concept of Teaching
Teaching is the process of transferring one's knowledge to the others. Teach means give instruction to somebody and give somebody knowledge, skill, etc. Teaching has been recognized as a profession because it is an occupation that requires advanced education and special training (Saleh, 1997: 8).
According to Saleh (1997: 16), teaching is a skill for it demands the ability—attained from relevant theories and practice—to assist the students expertly in learning so that they are able to gain linguistic and communicative competence in the target language.
Here, English teacher has to rise systematic rules and creative ways in managing his/ her students in classroom that base on his/her knowledge and experience. Then, the teacher is not just teach and give a kind of test, that it will make students scare, bore or hate to study also teacher. The teacher needs to know what are the students' require in learning. They wish the teacher has a role as a moderator, a facilitator, a manipulator, a mediator, a parent, an administrator and other to instruct, manipulate and manage them with all of teacher's teaching principles and mechanism in order that they do the process of receiving knowledge as possible as maximum capability through their classroom activity.
2. 2 The Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary means total number of words in a language. In other hand, all words in English can be categorized as vocabulary. According to Hiebert and Michael (2005: 2) Vocabulary is not a developmental skill or one that can ever be seen as fully mastered. The expansion and elaboration of vocabularies is something that extends across a lifetime.
2. 2. 1 Kinds of Vocabulary
According to Hiebert and Michael (2005: 3) that, Oral vocabulary is the set of words for which we know the meanings when we speak or read orally. Print vocabulary consists of those words for which the meaning is known when we write or read silently. These are important distinctions because the set of words that beginning readers know are mainly oral representations. As they learn to read, print vocabulary comes to play an increasingly larger role in literacy than does the oral vocabulary.
Talks about kinds of vocabulary is important as talks about kinds of word. Its because basically, vocabulary is collection of words which construct a language. According to Aarts (1982: 4), words can be grouped together into word classes (also called parts of speech).
If we assign words to the same class we imply that they share a number of properties. In this case, Rahman also suit what Aarts thought about the parts of speech. Rahman (2010: 2) said that: In English grammar, there are eight kinds of word as formers of good sentence when speaking, reading, and writing, which these kinds of word is called The Eight Parts of Speech, they are:
From what Aarts and Rahman explain above, it can be concluded that those kinds of word can be specified as kinds of vocabulary theyselves. But in difference of that, Thorbury (2002: 3) also give his point of view about kinds of word those are useful in order to learn vocabulary. In accordance of that, the writer has summarize some of Thorbury’s attachments are as follows:
Words play different roles in a text. They can included on one or more of eight different word classes:
Nouns : bits, pieces, record, player
Pronouns : i, them
Verbs : like, looking, doing, to look
Adjectives : like, old, second-hand, new
Adverb : up
Prepositions : for, like
Conjunction : and
Determiner : a, the, some, this, last
Base of it, there are called grammatical words (or function words) like prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, and pronouns. On the other hand there are content words those that carry a high information load, such as: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Words Families
understand + ing : understanding
understand + (past-part) : understood
understand + able : understanable
mis + understand : misunderstand
mis + understand + (past-part) : misunderstood
Word Formation
Affixation : removeable, storage, packaging
Compounding : second-hand, word processor, record player
Conversion : a baloon flight is an absolute must. (verb-noun)
Clipping : flu (from influenza), email (from electronic mail)
Blend : infotainment (information + entertainment), brunch (breakfast + lunch)
Multi-word units
There are words those joined to form compounds. Its alsolook like phrasal verbs and idioms, for instances:
Do up, look for, to look
Bits and pieces
Lay off, swung round
Day after day, mounth after mounth, year after year
There are many words in English have different but overlapping meaning. Example word fair below:
She had long fair hair.
My pig won first prize at Skipton Fair.
This isn’t fair on anyone, but it does happen.
We have a fair size garden and we may as well make use of it.
She was only a fair cook.
The sun’s rays can be very harmful, beating on unprotected fair skin.
Synonyms and Antonyms
Hammer Screwdriver Saw
Fretsaw Chainsaw Jigsaw
2. 2. 2 The Importance of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is very important, especially for the elementary school students. Vocabulary instruction also plays a central role in vocabulary growth in school-age children (Hiebert and Michael, 2005: 45). According to Hayes, Wolfer, & Wolfe ( 1996) state on Hiebert and Michael (2005:1) that: Words represent complex and, often, multiple meanings. Furthermore, these complex, multiple meanings of words need to be understood in the context of other words in the sentences and paragraphs of texts. Not only are students expected to understand words in texts, but also texts can be expected to introduce them to many new words. The vocabulary of written language is much more extensive and diverse than the vocabulary of oral language.
2. 3 The Concept of Matching Word
Basically, matching words defines as a kind of task that used in order to measure students’ understanding and for taking students’ score. According to Richards (2001: 223) Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) refers to an approach base on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching. In accordance of that, matching words that known as a kind of task will be used as an approach when teach the students to mastery vocabulary. In addition, Richards (2001: 223) also states that, engaging learners in task work provides a better context for the activation of learning processes than form focused activities, and hence ultimately provides better opportunities for language learning to take place.
Picture-cued matching word definition
With object labelled A, B, C, D, E in the picture, the test-takers read words, and write the appropriate letter beside the word (See Brown, 2004: 193)
Selected response fill-in vocabulary task
2. 4 The Concept of Teaching Vocabulary
There are procedures of teaching vocabulary through matching words.Pre-Activities
Here the teacher open the lesson, looking for students’ condition, then making students to focus in order to begin of learning. Teacher also checks students attendance list, while that the teacher also ask questions to students, such as: “Hello”, “Are you fine today?”.
Giving motivation
The teacher prepare the students to take apart in the vocabulary teaching topic, here according to the title of this thesis, the topic that must teach is in the theme of kitchen. Here the teacher ask students, such as: “Do you know about Spongebob?”, “Do you know about Spongebob’s spatula?”, “Do you what it is used for?” etc.
Then after students’ answer weather it is true or false, the teacher give a kind of reward, such as: a smile, an applause, a sweet talking, etc.
Whilst Activity
The teacher give students a short reading text which topic in the theme of kitchen such as: making noodle, making tea, making soup, my sweet cake, etc.
The teacher take apart with students to discuss the text and find the difficult words.
The teacher explain the material talking about using matching word so student interesting with it.
The teacher give test or drills to keep in touch with students understanding.
Post Activities
The teacher conclude about the material.
The teacher evaluate to take students’ score.
2. 5 Previous Study
The research that show about words in teaching vocabulary is wrote by Andria Riona with the title “The Effectiveness of Using Crossword Puzzle in Developing Vocabulary of the Eight Grade Students of Junior High School Karya Ibu Palembang”.
3. 1 Method of Research
The problem of this study is to find out how effectiveness teaching vocabulary in the theme of Kitchen through Matching Words. In accordance of that, experimental method will used in this research. The type of experimental method that used by the writer is quasi experimental.
3. 2 Variables of Research
2) Dependent variable : Students' score of the test
3. 3 Population and Sample
3. 3. 1 Population
According to Arikunto (2010: 173), population is all subject of research. In this case, all fourth grade students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang in the academic year of 2012/2013 concise of six classes will be raised as population of the study. So, class IV.A, class IV.B, class IV.C, class IV.D, class IV.E and IV.F are members of the population. For more detail of the population look at the table below.
Table 3. 3. 1 The Population of Fourth Grade Students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang
Source : State Elementary School 149 of Palembang
3. 3. 2 Sample
Arikunto (2010: 179) states that sample is a half or a part of population that research is done. Here, the writer will use purposive sampling to chose the Experimental group and Control group as sample. In order of that, the writer will takes two classes as the sample from six classes of fourth grade students of State Elementary School 149 of Palembang. Then class IV.A will be raised as an experimental group and class IV.B also chosen as a control group. Look at the table below for more detail about sample.
Source: State Elementary School 149 of Palembang
3. 4 Technique for Collecting Data
3. 4. 1 Test
According to Brown (2004: 3), a test in simple terms, is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. The test here will be conducted to measure the students understanding about the content area of linguistic that researcher want to find out. The test will be divided into two: pre-test and post-test. Brown (2004: 4) also said that a vocabulary test may focus on only the set of words covered in particular lesson or unit. In relation of it, the writer will prepare the content of pre-test and post-test those occur with the treatment application. The implementation of pre-test will be adopted before the treatment applied, while the post-test will be conducted after the treatment is held.
3. 4. 2 Validity of the Test
According to Gronlund (1998: 26) states in Brown (2004: 22) that validity: “ the extent to which inferences made from assessment results are appropriate, meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of assessment.” Because of that, the validity of the test will be checked through the content validity which means it will be based on instructional objectives and syllabus. The test material in pre-test will be similar with the test material on the post-test.
The measurement of the content validity will be occured by comparing the test with the treatment’s content. In association of that, the writer will try the test to the other class before it given to the experimental group and control group. Here, the writer will adapt 30 number of the test item in pre-test and post-test which divide in three parts of test section, thus multiple choice questions, true-false questions, and matching words. See the table below for more detail about the test specification.
Table 3. 4. 2 Test Specification
Objective of the TestContent of Test
Test Form in Pre-test and Post-Test
Item Number
Vocabulary in the theme of kitchen
Word: spoon, plate, glass, bowl, cup, vacuum flask thermos, stove, pan, refrigerator, rice cooker, knife, match, frying pan, kettle, fork, toaster, garbage, frying spoon.
Grasp information from vocabulary those mentioned
Multiple-choice questions
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Understand the use of certain vocabulary word that have certain meaning
True-false questions
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Analyze word meaning
Matching words
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
3. 4. 3 Reliability of the Test
The reliable test is consistent and defendable (Brown, 2004: 20). The results of test will be same whoever the object of the test changes and the number of test repeated. For reliability of the test in this study, the writer will use Kudher Richardson (KR21) reliability coefficient. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1993: 135) Kudher Richardson (KR21) formula is as follows:
Which, KR21 : Kudher Richardson Reliability coefficient
K : Number of Items in the test
M : Mean of the Set of Test Score
SD : Standard Deviation of Test score
Then the formula of Standard Deviation is:
Which, SD : Standard Deviation of the test score
X : Each score
X : The mean of average
N : Number of Test items
3. 5 Technique for Analyzing the Data
3. 5. 1 Percentage Analysis
Percentage analysis was used to find out the students percentage correct answer both in pre-test and the post-test. In order of that, the formula of percentage analysis that have been used was as follows:
(see Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 43)
Which, x : Percentage Score
R : Total correct answer
T : Number of Sample
n : Number of test item
3. 5. 2 Conversion of Percentage Analysis
The conversion of percentage score was used to show students average level in order they have done the test. Look at the table below for more detail about the conversion of percentage score.
Table 3. 5. 2 Table of Conversion of Percentage Analysis
Percentage of Correct Answer
Level of Achievement
8.0 – 10.0
7.0 – 7.9
5.6 – 6.9
4.0 – 5.5
< 4.0
Very Poor
3. 5. 3 Matched t- test
In analyzing the data, SPSS 16 would have been used to measure the data of the pre-test and the post-test score of experimental and also control group.
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