Can education save our future?

Akhbar Majmua

Education is the foundation of human life

The education had long run from the first human on earth. Adam A.S. 
(see more: Al-Qur'an)

Do not mislead the education as a tool to conquer the world or universe. 

Or as a way for gaining self interest. 

Educational purpose is to get to know the truth. And adapt it for the benefit of all living being. Nothing else.

The education good results such human knowledges should be used and managed by people for the live of all creatures in universe as appropriate as possible.

But on education subject in curriculum today, the education purposes is to take advantages of everything, in order to benefit the leaners (all human self interests).
What a waste of time.

Education is a process

From the time before we are born, all of us had started our educational story. 

In all aspect of human community those critical about complete data, this fact is not yet acceptable.

When we are still in our mother's womb. After four months. All of us are starting to adapt with our mother body.

Till we are born, we are countinuously learn there. So when our parents fight, it will recorded unknowingly develop our character.

Then, as an innocent child, we are born to the world. Adding the payload of the earth.

A child thought is that as clean as a white paper. All of us like a 1000000 terabite free memory at the time.

Nothing there till our parent and environment soon starting to imprint everything to our memory (biological CPU : brain).

Secons, minutes, hours, days, moths, years  are still continue to running to educate us, even at the moment when read this tiny article.

This is time. Time can never be repeated. That is an example of God (Allah) Laws. Likes
You can't escape birth.
You can't escape death.
You can't denied your love for bride.
You can't lie in front of your God.
You have a limited knowledge.
You will get what you hope.
You will meet Allah (our God).

The process of education still continue. As we are take a breath this seconds.

All kind of thing around us and ourself are the material for learning to understand so then we can see the truth about everything. (Al-Qur'an)

From a baby we are saving all kind of data so that we can think like we are today.

Education is a process.
Starting before born to the last breath of human life.

Education and Future

Today is the golden generation era of human history.

The education and technology starting to improve human life.

Life system have been structured according to people population.

The future of our education today Just for humans needs. And no more..

Is it good or not good? Please ask ourselves.

This is a fact that sholud be thought and considered for our future. 

All of us have obligation to do an education that the best for everything.

We are not live alone in this universe. We need the environment and other life forms to life.

We need food, water, place, fun, and technology. We have our own life style. We also like everything and anything want.

But in this case, don't forget that the future will change to be good or bad according to what we are acting today.

So, the education should bring us together to prepare to life in harmony.

If not, lets us all waiting together for our time to the extincion. 

This secon is our precious time to do in the area of education for future by us the golden generation of human history.

Time is money. Really?
No, time is our time to life. It can never be acceptable to be exchanged with anything even another earth that full of gold.

The city of education example.


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