Master of Ceremony Haflatut Takhrij 2023

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all let us pray and praise to Allah SWT

Who has given us his mercy, 
So that we can come together here with healthy condition and full of bless Insya Allah.

And we can get together at this Haflatut Tahrij of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School.

Second, let us send sholawat and greetings to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who had taught us the beauty of faith and Islam.

Allow us to guide the series of agenda of Haflatut Tahrij today as follows.

The First Agenda is the opening.
To take the blessings of our event today, let us open it with lafadz basmalah

The Second agenda is the recitation of holy qur'an that will be recite by Ustad Arif Hidayatullah Al Hafidz
To Ustad Arif Hidayatullah Al Hafidz
The time is yours

The third agenda is the speeches.

The first speech is from Chairman comitte of Haflatut Tahrij of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School that will be presented by
Mr. Ahmad Toha, S.Ag
To Mr. Ahmad Toha, S.Ag
The time is yours

The second speech is from The Leader of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School that will be presented by Ibunda Dra. Hj. Misrah Syawal
To Ibunda Dra. Hj. Misrah Syawal
The time is yours

The third speech is from The Head Office of The Ministry of Religion in Prabumulih City that will be presented by 
mr H. Hermadi, S.Ag, M.Si
To mr H. Hermadi, S.Ag, M.Si
The time is yours

The forth agenda is the reading of graduation decree that will be presented by mr M. Amin, S.Pd.I
To mr M. Amin, S.Pd.I 
The time is yours

The fifth agenda is the graduation procession

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