speaking class

Speaking Class Hari ke 1

What is your name?
Siapa namamu?

My name is Handsome Boy
Namaku Handsome Boy

What can i call you?
Bagaimana aku memanggilmu?

You can call me Boy
Kamu dapat memanggilku Boy

Vocabulary Word :
Get : mendapatkan memperoleh

Rich word phrases:
I get a supply
Get ready
Let's get up
Get the rice
Get the pen
Get the book
Get to the air drop
Get well soon
Get the food

Speaking Class Hari ke 2
Good morning all
Selamat pagi semua

How are you?
Bagaimana kabarnya?

Vocabulary Word:
Take: mengambil

Word phrases:
Take it
I want to take it
Take me out
Take my hand
I dont take your money
Take the rice
Take me with you
Take out

Speaking Class Hari ke 3
What do we study yesterday?
Apa yang kita pelajari kemarin

We studied about one vocabulary word yesterday.

Vocabulary word:
Walk: berjalan

Word phrases:
I walk to school
I walk to market
I want to walk with you
Lets walk together

Sepaking Class Hari Ke 4
What are you eating?
Apa yang sedang kamu makan

What are you drinking?
Apa yang sedang kamu minum

Rumus (Formula)
Sedang + .......

Sedang MAKAN

Eat: makan
Drink: minum

Word phrases:
I am eating banana
I am eating rice
I am eating pizza
I am drinking milk
I am drinking water
I am drinking a cup of tea
I am drinking a glass of cola 

Speaking class hari ke 5
Speaking class hari ke 6

Speaking class hari ke 7
Raport : Rapor, laporan
Congratulation : Selamat


Speaking class hari ke 8

After pray shubuh speakung class

28 Juni 2020
16 Juli 2020

Kategori: bahasa inggris

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