An Opening Speech

Contoh Singkat Opening Speech

Assalamualaikum Warrohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Alhamdulillahirobbil 'alamin 
Ashadu alla illaha illallah
Wa ashadu anna muhammadarrasullullah
Allohumma solli ala sayyidina muhammad
Wa ala ali sayyidina muhammad

All praise and thanks to Allah the owner of universe the owner of every soul in this world. 

Who Give us the chance to meet In this place and time today.

Then sholawat and salam always send to Muhammad SAW the messenger of
Allah who teach us the rightful of Islam which will make us all who is
his follower safe on the right phate in this life and after life until the judgement day.
Insya Allah

Good morning to The head of the office who is the most respected. Mr. Abi
We hope he always health to be among us.

Nice to meet you all the staff and teacher. Hope we can work hard together in the near future.

And hello to our lovely students those full spirit in learning Islam and be here today.

The last but not least, welcome to our guest, those I can't mention one by one. Those who follow this occasion wheere that we know all of you give your precious time to be present here.

More thanks to the MC that give me the chance to speak for open of the event.

First, congratulation to the students who is the main star in this ceremony of ...

We pray that this event will be an unforgetable moment and beneficient as a foundation of your journey in education,

It hopefully running down without obstruction. And become our way to get rahmat and hidayah from Allah SWT.

In the conclusion, the student never be proud of themselves and should
study with good faith and objective.

Well then.
May be that's all, I could tell you,
For the time being I thank you very much for your great attention.
Sorry if I have mistakes on the words.

Wabillahitaufik walhidayah wassalamualaikum wr wb

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- Guru Madrasah

06th November 2020

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